Explore our legacy, dating back to our roots at SRI!
Ravenswood Solutions Management Buyout from SRI allows Ravenswood to become anindependent small business
Ravenswood awarded subcontractor spot by Booz Allen Hamilton's for US Army Service Solutions for Modernization Analysis Readiness Capability Threat and Training (SSMARTT) task and continued inventory management support in Puerto Rico
Ravenswood awarded follow-on year for continued support of STE LTS Ground Combat Vehicle
UK MOD awards new Post Design Service (PDS) tasks to enhance TESIK capabilities which includes simulated mortar training, instrumented live fire, and updating lethality tables to be more realistic
MARCORSYSCOM, PM TRASYS awards OTA to Ravenswood for development of a Known Distance Automated Scoring (KDAS) solution to deliver more efficient/effective Annual Rifle Qualification (ARQ)
PEO STRI STAAR awards OTA to Ravenswood to participate in the development of the GCV Direct Fire Tactical Engagement Simulation System (TESS) for the Synthetic Training Environment—Live Training System (STE-LTS)
Ravenswood supports three (3) TESIK exercises in Kenya
Ravenswood prototype tracking solution NORA (Navigation & Orientation through Reckoning & Analysis) ties for second place in the NIST sponsored First Responder Smart Tracking (FRST) Challenge
Ravenswood hosts first ever US-based Levels of Fidelity conference at Guardians Centers in Perry, GA.
Valiant awards Ravenswood subcontract for XCTC hardware and software support
Ravenswood provides instrumentation support to Brazil Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN) for 7-day force-on-force combined-arms exercise
Ravenswood awarded subcontract from Cole Engineering in support of STE LTS Tier 2 contract
Ravenswood supports two (2) TESIK exercises in Kenya
Ravenswood Board of Directors appoints Kipp Peppel new President and CEO
Ravenswood joins Team Orlando by opening new Product Development Center within the University of Central Florida (UCF) Innovation District at Research Park
DTRA awards contract for Force-on-Force (FoF) exercise support via Valiant.
Booz Allen Hamilton subcontracts to Ravenswood Inventory Management for Training Support Center, Fort Buchanan, PR as part of Emergent Threat Training and Readiness Capability (ET2RC) contract
Ravenswood awarded three (3) contracts from SERAPIS SSE on behalf of Dstl and the British Army for reports on identifying practical interoperability lessons of in-service simulation systems both Domestic and International & addressing challenges and impacts of new Test & Reference Capability (T&RC) requirements
Ravenswood supports four TESIK exercises for the first time in Kenya
US DOI awards TY21 bridge contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood via Raytheon Warfighter Focus Contract.
Ravenswood establishes two new subsidiaries, Ravenswood Technologies UK, Ltd (RTUK) and Ravenswood Technologies Kenya Ltd (RTKL)
Ravenswood awarded contract via Dignitas to provide Test & Evaluation support for Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's (DARPA) Urban Reconnaissance through Supervised Autonomy (URSA) Program
Ravenswood awarded the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve 'Above and Beyond' award for continued support of ARNG and reservists
State of Idaho - Military Division awards Ravenswood contract for storage and distribution assistance of COVID-19 supplies
UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) awards Ravenswood the Tactical Engagement System in Kenya (TESIK) programme, a five-year contract to provide the British Army with turnkey exercise support and instrumentation services
Ravenswood achieves ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System certification.
Entered strategic partnership with manufacturer GDM Electronics and Medical.
Ravenswood awarded contract via Raytheon's WFF to provide FlexTrain instrumentation for the US Marine Corps in Twentynine Palms, Calif in support of USMC ITX 1-20
US Army Alaska (USARAK) awards Ravenswood contract to support the 4th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (Airborne), 25th Infantry Division (4/25 ABCT) Culminating Training Event (CTE)—known as Arctic Anvil
Royal Netherlands Army Command Ministry of Defense awards Ravenswood contract to supply augmented reality prototype MARTE-O for testing
General Dynamic awards Ravenswood contract for ILTE EXCON support
Ravenswood awarded subcontract for NAVSUP FLC Norfolk via SRI International for support on Open Net Centric Standards for Training and Testing (ONISTT)
Ravenswood announces relocation of the Products and Services Operations Center from Fremont, CA to Boise, ID.
Army Contracting Command-Orlando (ACC ORL) awards Ravenswood sole source contract for the production of two brigade-sized FlexTrain instrumentation systems and a five-year license to use Ravenswood’s associated ORION software.
US DOI awards TY19/20 contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood via Raytheon Warfighter Focus (WFF) Contract.
Achieved our first patent for an adapter device that enables the coupling of one or more batteries to the FREDI-2.
Ravenswood pioneers and announces Testing-as-a-Service (TaaS) business model
Ravenswood awarded contract in support of US Army Joint Modernization Command (JMC) for Network Integration Evaluation (NIE) support.
Ravenswood debuts Alternate Frequency Module, Local Data Storage (LDS) module and Solar power system.
The LDS is used in support of US Army Operational Test Command's (OTC's) evaluation of the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) and Armored Multi-Purpose Vehicle (AMPV)
Ravenswood supports four (4) simultaneous ARNG XCTC training rotations in four locations nationwide
Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) awards sole source award for instrumentation system and technical support to conduct policy analysis which included operations in Aviano, Italy, Stryker Brigade training, Associated Unit Pilot Program training
Ravenswood hosts SFPD SWAT and DHS SWAT at Fremont, CA facility for Urban Shield 2017 'Scenario 12' exercise.
US DOI awards TY18 contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood via Raytheon Warfighter Focus Contract.
Ravenswood awarded contract to provide FlexTrain instrumentation for a RTCA Communications Network Characterization at US Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center in Twentynine Palms, Calif.
US Army Operational Test Center (OTC) awards Ravenswood contract for Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) Multi-Service Operational Test and Evaluation (MOT&E) (JLTV MOT&E)
Mission Command Sustainment Test Division awards Ravenswood contract to support Concept Validation Event (CVE) (Accreditation of Test Technology Instrumentation Support)
MICC-Fort Eustis awards Ravenswood contract for NIE 17.2 event support
Conducted large-scale OCONUS policy analysis event in Aviano, Italy.
USAREUR interoperability test provide Ravenswood's ability to operate outside of the US and manage logistics for simultaneous large-scale operations and utilize the Mobile Ground Truth System (MGTS) for training, testing and performance assessment applications.
Ravenswood and Lockheed Martin demonstrate Augmented Reality Training for Observers (ARTO)
US DOI awards TY17 sole source contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood
US DOI awards TY17 sole source contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood
US DOI awards FlexTrain production contract to Ravenswood
Ravenswood supports US Army's Network Integration Event 16.1 at Fort Bliss, TX.
ORION software achieves Full Operation Capability (FOC)
Fielded FREDI-2.
US DOI awards sole source contract for ARNG's XCTC program to Ravenswood
SRI International launches Ravenswood Solutions, a new subsidiary, to continue providing products and services for collective training, test and evaluation, and policy analysis exercises.
Ravenswood supports seven (7) brigade-size rotations for the ARNG
Ravenswood supports five (5) brigade-size rotations for the ARNG's XCTC program
ORION software updated to support more than 5,000 instrumented participants.
Conducted first integration of active component squadron training during an XCTC rotation.
Took over XCTC program management, planning, and execution services.
First XCTC rotation is a Decisive Action Training Environment (DATE) against a near-peer enemy opposing force incorporating increased levels of battlefield effects and simulated indirect fire.
Integrated FlexTrain’s exercise control software—known as ORION.
FREDI-2 interface with HITS completed and in production order for the ARNG.
Integration of IMILES and MILES-XXI generations of MILES into FlexTrain system
SRI develops ORION software integrator for metadata and FREDI-2 tracker
Conducted five brigade rotations at four different locations.
First implementation of a matrix management pool for Field Application Engineers and Field Service Representatives to control XCTC program costs.
Provided subject matter expertise across the full spectrum of planning, preparation, and execution for two (2) brigade-sized units for the ARNG's XCTC program.
XCTC prime contract awarded to SRI for the first time. Reduced ARNG XCTC costs, by competing subcontracted functions and implementing other efficiencies.
First incorporation of After-Action Reviews (AARs) into XCTC program.
Established our Training as a Service (TaaS) business model.
Expanded XCTC instrumentation network to support up to 2,000 troops and vehicles simultaneously across a 20 x 40 km training area, including real-time monitoring of MILES engagements,
First deployment of multi-network, multi-epoch time division multiple access (TDMA) communications architecture.
Provided Exercise Control Cell (EXCON), instrumentation, admin comms, battlefield effects (BFE), battlefield immersion (BFI), logistics, and sustainment support for two (2) XCTC rotations in different locations, synchronizing all training support assets to replicate a counter insurgency (COIN) operating environment.
First use of portable village structures to enhance training.
Provided Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) capabilities and after-action review (AAR) capabilities for NOVEX 2007, a multi-agency homeland security exercise at Moffett Field, CA.
Provided subject matter expertise to plan and prepare for the first two brigade-size ARNG XCTC rotations.
First incorporation of local temporary staff (four).
First use of the Enhanced Dismount Instrumentation (EDI): initial personnel tracking capability.
Supported battalion-sized Proof-of-Concept for the XCTC program.
Renamed DFIRST "FlexTrain" for US DoD customers.
Team's first enhanced product delivery with operator manuals and first Mission Support Manager.
Began delivery of production Army National Guard homestation systems to the first of seven (7) sites.
Expanded DFIRST for the ARNG's new eXportable Combat Training Capability (XCTC). Proof of Principle: a company-size event that tracked 255 ground vehicles and up to 100 dismounted infantry in an approximately 20 x 30 km instrumented training arena in Kentucky.
Updated instrumentation to feature improved EMI and tool-less installation
Interim delivery of homestation instrumentation systems to Camp Roberts, CA and Orchard Training Area, ID
Expanded FlexTrain system by integrating DFIRST with IGRS, another SRI-developed GPS/radio tracking system created to track USMC troops in large combat exercises
Introduced MILES 2000 interface
MILES is integrated for the first time!
SRI develops the Deployable Force-on-Force Instrumented Range System (DFIRST) for DARPA. First use of GPS in a training system for Ground Combat Vehicle Realtime Casualty Assessment (RTCA). Tracking, orientation, weapon pointing, and RTCA for up to 60 armored vehicles in a 10 x 10 km area.
DFIRST instrumentation is expanded during multinational Combat Identification Experiments involving Army, USMC and FSU armored vehicles. SRI develops vehicle mechanical and electrical interfaces and increased capacity to 150 ground vehicles in a 20 x 40 km maneuver area.
System is used at White Sands Missile Range for use in testing a non-cooperative target recognition system, tracking seven (7) vehicles maneuvering in a 7 x 7 km test area.
SRI team develops multi-object ground vehicle truth data tracking system, representing one of the earliest uses of GPS as test instrumentation
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